




国家自然科学基金(32072688, 318723623);江苏省农业科技自主创新资金[CX(19)1006]

Assessment of differences between high-throughput sequencing and plate-dilution method for microbial ecology study of soils under distinct land use scenarios

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    【目的】明确平板计数法中不同稀释梯度对土壤细菌数量和组成的影响规律,比较稀释平板计数法和高通量测序研究土地利用方式变化下土壤细菌群落的差异。【方法】针对不同土地利用方式下的4种土壤(次生林、健康蕉园、发病蕉园和水稻土),设置5个土壤悬液10-1-10-5稀释梯度开展平板计数,获得平板上可培养细菌富集物并提取总DNA;同时直接提取原位土壤微生物总DNA,高通量测序细菌富集物DNA和土壤总DNA中的16S rRNA基因,研究不同土壤悬液稀释梯度下的可培养细菌群落和背景土壤细菌多样性,明确可培养细菌占土壤总细菌的比例以及多样性差异。【结果】次生林垦殖为蕉园土壤后土壤呼吸增幅最高,细菌数量降幅最高,稀释平板计数与实时荧光定量PCR (real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR)结果一致,但其他土地利用方式变化的稀释平板计数与实时荧光定量细菌数量的结果并不完全一致。连续稀释显著降低了可培养细菌多样性。与原位土壤总细菌相比,土壤可培养细菌群落Chao 1指数降幅高达86%-98%。与土壤悬液稀释10倍(10-1)相比,稀释100-10万倍(10-2-10-5)后可培养细菌群落Chao 1指数降幅高达35%-60%。连续梯度稀释也降低了物种多样性,所有稀释梯度共检测到315-401个微生物属,共有属仅为21-38个,而10-1梯度独有属有92-210个,10-2-10-5梯度独有属为2-59个。4种土壤中可培养细菌占背景土壤总细菌比例范围为:16.1%-47.7% (门水平),7.4%-30.9% (属水平)。两两比较不同土地利用方式间的显著差异物种,可培养方法获得的显著增加和减少的物种数量仅为高通量直接测序原位土壤结果的9.7%和22.9%;免培养和可培养均发现了一些共同的差异物种,包括BacillaceaeMicrococcaceaeMicrobacteriumComamonadaceaeBurkholderiales。【结论】传统稀释平板计数可培养细菌数量过程中,10-1稀释梯度下可培养细菌比例及多样性明显高于10-2-10-5梯度,而10-2-10-5梯度之间并无明显差异。表明传统稀释平板计数过程中,遗漏了相当数量的独特微生物属,其比例范围为35.9%-99.0%。可培养法和免培养法均发现,土地利用方式变化可导致一些微生物类群显著降低,如Microbacterium。尽管可培养方法低估了不同土地利用方式间细菌群落的差异,但可培养与免培养方法发现了共同的差异细菌类群。与4种土壤中细菌本底丰度相比,固体平板显著富集PseudomonasFlavobacterium,增加倍数分别为2 233-5 805倍和43-4 506倍。未来应耦合分子生态学与可培养技术深入发掘复杂土壤环境中的微生物资源。


    [Objective] To assess the effect of different dilution gradients of dilution-plate method on the number and composition of soil bacteria, and to study the differences in soil bacterial communities under distinct land use scenarios by comparing plate-dilution method and high-throughput sequencing. [Methods] With four types of soil (secondary forest soil, healthy banana soil, diseased banana soil and paddy soil) collected, soil suspensions of five dilution gradients (10-1–10-5) were prepared. Classic plate-dilution method was employed to obtain culturable bacteria, followed by colony-counting and DNA extraction. In addition, the total bacterial DNA in background soils was extracted. Then high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene was performed to study the diversity of bacterial communities at different dilution gradients and in background soils, proportion of culturable bacteria in total soil bacteria, and species difference. [Results] The highest increase in soil respiration was found after the conversion of secondary forest to banana plantations, and both dilution-plate method and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR found the highest decrease in bacterial counts. However, the results of these two methods were not entirely consistent for other land use changes affecting soil bacterial populations. The Chao 1 index of the soil culturable bacterial community was reduced by 86%–98% compared with that of the total background soil bacteria. Dilutions of 100–100 000 times (10-2–10-5) lowered the Chao 1 index of the culturable bacterial community by 35%–60% compared with dilutions of 10 times of soil suspensions. Gradient dilution also reduced the species diversity. Dilution-plate method detected a total of 315–401 microbial genera, with only 21–38 genera common to all dilution gradients, compared with 92–210 genera unique to the 10-1 gradient and 2–59 genera unique to the 10-2–10-5gradients. The proportions of culturable bacteria in the four types of background soils were in the range of 16.1%–47.7% (phylum level) and 7.4%–30.9% (genus level). The number of significantly increased and decreased species detected by plate-dilution method was only 9.7% and 22.9%, respectively of the results by high-throughput sequencing. The two methods identified a number of common divergent species, including Bacillaceae, Micrococcaceae, Microbacterium, Comamonadaceae and Burkholderiales. [Conclusion] The highest percentage of culturable species in total soil bacteria was 47.74% and 30.90% at phylum and genus levels, respectively. The community diversity of culturable species was much lower than that of the background soil bacteria. The proportion and diversity of culturable bacteria was significantly higher in the 10-1 dilution gradient than in the 10-2–10-5 gradients, while there was no remarkable difference between the 10-2–10-5 gradients. Although the dilution-plate method greatly underestimated the differences in bacterial communities between land use practices, common differential bacterial taxa were found by the culture-free and culturable methods. Compared to the background abundance of bacteria in the four soils, the solid plates were significantly enriched in Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium, with fold increases of 2 233–5 805 and 43–4 506. Culture-independent molecular techniques and classical culturable methods should be coupled in the future research to deepen the exploration of microbial resources in complex environments.


李凯凯,曹伟伟,文昌丽,周晓丽,徐修远,邱旭,赵悦蓓,贾仲君,孟磊. 基于高通量测序的稀释平板计数细菌群落变化研究[J]. 微生物学报, 2022, 62(11): 4447-4464

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  • 收稿日期:2022-03-19
  • 最后修改日期:2022-05-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-11
  • 出版日期: 2022-11-04