1 丝状真菌衰老的特征
2 丝状真菌衰老的影响因素
2.1 环境因素影响丝状真菌衰老
2.1.1 温度

图1 影响丝状真菌衰老的环境因素及其调控
Figure 1 The environmental factors affecting the senescence of filamentous fungi and their regulation. +: Denotes promotion; -: Denotes inhibition.
2.1.2 光照
2.1.3 pH
真菌 Fungi | 影响因素 Factors | 对衰老的调控 Regulation of aging | 涉及功能 Functions | 参考文献 References |
Aspergillus flavus |
高温 High temperature | + |
细胞膜破坏、细胞壁变薄 Cell membrane disruption, cell wall thinning |
[ |
Penicillium rugulosum |
极低温 Extremely low temperature | + |
活性氧 ROS |
[ |
Geotrichum fragrans |
酸性pH值 Acidic pH | + |
鸟苷酸 GMP |
[ |
Aspergillus flavus |
低温 Low temperature | - |
能量代谢 Energy metabolism |
[ |
Alternaria alternata |
红光 Red light | - |
性发育、次级代谢 Sexual development, secondary metabolism |
[ |
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus |
白光、蓝光 White light, blue light | - |
次级代谢 Secondary metabolism |
[ |
Neurospora crassa |
白光、红光 White light, red light |
受Ve-1调控 Regulated by Ve-1 |
无性生殖 Asexual reproduction |
[ |
Podospora anserina |
光照 Illumination |
受PaPhy1、PaPhy2调控 Regulated by PaPhy1 and PaPhy2 |
子实体发育 Fruiting body development |
[ |
Aspergillus niger |
高/低pH值 High/Low pH | + |
能量代谢 Energy metabolism |
[ |
Aspergillus fumigatus |
酸性pH值 Acidic pH |
受PacC调控 Regulated by PacC |
无性生殖 Asexual reproduction |
[ |
Aspergillus nidulans |
pH值变化 Changes in pH |
受PalH调控 Regulated by PalH |
泛素化 Ubiquitination |
[ |
+: Promotion; -: Inhibition.
2.2 遗传调控丝状真菌衰老
2.2.1 mtDNA稳定性
真菌 Fungi | 涉及功能 Factors | 基因/蛋白 Gene/Protein | 参考文献 References |
Podospora anserina | ADP/ATP | PaAnt |
[ |
Podospora anserina |
自噬 Autophagy | MnSOD |
[ |
Beauveria bassiana |
无性生殖 Asexual reproduction | Atg11 |
[ |
Acremonium chrysogenum |
次级代谢合成 Secondary metabolite synthesis | Acatg1, Acatg8, Acatg11 |
[ |
Magnaporthe oryzae |
自噬调节 Autophagy regulation | TOR |
[ |
Magnaporthe grisea |
无性生殖 Asexual reproduction | MoAtg8, MoAtg4, MoAtg1, MoAtg6, MoAtg14 |
[ |
Fusarium graminearum |
脂质合成 Lipid synthesis | Atg family |
[ |
Neurospora crassa |
DNA错配修复 DNA mismatch repair | msh1 |
[ |
Aspergillus sp. |
氧化应激 Oxidative stress | Nox complex |
[ |
Aspergillus niger |
氧化应激 Oxidative stress | SODA, CcsA |
[ |
Aspergillus niger |
合成代谢 Anabolism | GcnE |
[ |
Metarhizium robertsii |
能量代谢 Energy metabolism | MAA_06480 MAA_02043 |
[ |
Podospora anserina |
细胞呼吸补偿机制 Cellular respiratory compensation mechanism | PaCox1 |
[ |
PaCox17 |
[ | ||
线粒体蛋白稳态 Mitochondrial protein homeostasis | PaLon |
[ | |
PaClpP |
[ | ||
PaIap |
[ | ||
磷脂代谢 Phospholipid metabolism | PaCrd1 |
[ | |
线粒体基因稳态 Mitochondrial genetic homeostasis | PaDnm1 |
[ | |
PaAtpe, PaAtpg, PaMic10, PaMic26 |
[ | ||
凋亡 Apoptosis | PaAif2 |
[ | |
PaAmid1 |
[ | ||
氧化应激 Oxidative stress | PaMth1 |
[ | |
PaSod2, PaSod3 |
[ | ||
自噬 Autophagy | PaAtg1 |
[ | |
PaAtg24 |
[ |
2.2.2 自噬
2.2.3 ROS稳态
2.2.4 代谢
丝状真菌的代谢水平决定了其生长速度和生物合成能力,其代谢失衡或降低可能导致细胞功能下降,最终促进衰老。在粗糙脉孢菌(N. crassa)中,生物钟相关基因lag-1和ras-1缺失会影响脂类代谢,同时脂质的缺乏会改变真菌昼夜节律性(
2.2.5 其他
3 总结与展望
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