1 大丽轮枝菌及其致病机理
大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)是隶属于子囊菌门淡色菌科轮枝菌属的一种土传植物病原真菌,其致病力强,寄主范围广,能够危害包括棉花、番茄、茄子、辣椒、果树等在内的 660多种植

图1 大丽轮枝菌致病机理示意图
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of pathogenesis of Verticillium dahliae.
2 棉花黄萎病的防治方法
3 生防微生物在棉花黄萎病防治中的应用
3.1 生防真菌
众多真菌对棉花黄萎病展现出良好的防治效果,例如木霉(Trichoderma spp.)、黄色篮状霉(Talaromyces flavus)、球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum)、尖孢镰孢菌(Fusarium oxysporum
3.2 生防放线菌
3.3 生防细菌
在生防细菌中,研究最多的是芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)和假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.)。芽孢杆菌适应能力强,其产生的内生芽孢具有极强的抗胁迫能力,不仅能在多种恶劣环境下存活而且方便运输。芽孢杆菌抑菌谱广泛,能够抑制多种植物病原真菌和细菌,增加了生物防治的灵活性。大多数芽孢杆菌对人类和动物是安全的,不会引起病害或污
Strain | Year | Biocontrol effect | Action mechanism | References |
Bacillus subtilis BS-Z15 | 2019 | BS-Z15 can effectively reduce the incidence of Verticillium wilt of cotton | Strain BS-Z15 secreted antagonistic active substances |
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Bacillus malacitensis Z-5 | 2019 | Z-5 strain had remarkable control effect on Verticillium wilt of cotton | Z-5 strain can secrete lipopeptide antibiotics such as surfactant B and ictilicin A |
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Bacillus velezensis SZAD1 | 2020 | The control efficiency of SZAD1 strain against Verticillium wilt was 60.10% and 56.00% in seed soaking and root irrigation, respectively | SZAD1 can produce cellulase and chitinase, which can reduce the ability of VD080 to settle cotton stems |
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Bacillus velezensis SZAD2 | 2020 | The control efficiency of seed treatment was 60.31%, and that of root irrigation was 79.19% | The strain could systematically colonize the roots and induced systemic resistance of cotton roots by accumulating hydrogen peroxide in the roots and leaves |
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Bacillus circulans GN03 | 2021 | Strain GN03 had good resistance to Verticillium wilt of cotton, with the highest control efficiency reaching 78% | GN03 inoculation altered the microflora in and around the plant roots, resulting in a significant accumulation of growth-related hormones |
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Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 489-2-2 | 2021 | The control efficiency of seed treatment was 54.99%, and that of root irrigation was 60.31% | 489-2-2 caused the mycelium of cotton verticillium wilt to lose pathogenicity, enhancing the systemic resistance of the plant by activating a large number of defense enzymes |
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Bacillus velezensis ND | 2022 | Application of ND fermentation liquid can increase the disease prevention effect from 36.00% to 92.99% | ND also has the activities of protease, cellulase and iron carrying, and has the ability to synthesize indole acetic acid, nitrogen fixation and phosphorus reduction |
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Bacillus velezensis EBV02 | 2022 | The highest control effect of EBV02 on cotton Verticillium wilt was 68.33% and 37.25% in greenhouse and field tests, respectively | EBV02 inhibited the mycelia growth of Verticillium dahliae, and induced active oxygen species outbreak and callus accumulation in cotton leaves |
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Bacillus T6 | 2023 | The inhibition rate of T6 strain on Verticillium dahliae was 63.79% | T6 strain can produce volatile organic compound styrene, which can up-regulate the expression of some hydrolase genes in Charlottesia |
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Bacillus amyloliquefaciens YZU-SG 146 | 2023 | The control effect of YZU-SG146 against Verticillium wilt of cotton was 84.21%, and it also promoted the growth of root length and seedling length of cotton seeds and seedlings | G146 can secrete ferric carrier, indoleacetic acid, cellulase, protease and amylase, and can trigger the outbreak of reactive oxygen species in cotton leaves |
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Bacillus velezensis BvZ45-1 | 2024 | The indoor and field control efficiency of BvZ45-1 against Verticillium wilt of cotton was 46.53% and 47.27%, respectively | The bacterium can produce oxalate decarboxylase, inhibit the spore production of Verticillium dahliae, and lead to mycelium rupture, cell membrane rupture and cell death |
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Bacillus altitudinis KRS010 | 2024 | The effect of KRS010 strain on cotton Verticillium wilt was 93.59% | KRS010 induces plant immunity by inducing systemic resistance activated by salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling pathways |
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4 生防微生物在防治棉花黄萎病中的作用机制
4.1 空间与营养竞争

图2 生防微生物的作用机制示意图
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of biocontrol mechanism of microorganisms.
4.2 拮抗作用
4.3 诱导植物系统抗性
诱导系统抗性(induced systemic resistance, ISR),又称植物免疫或系统获得抗性,是指植物在遭遇外界刺激后迅速增强自身的免疫防御机制。这种机制通过提高植株一系列免疫防御酶的活性,如过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶、苯丙氨酸解氨酶和多酚氧化酶等,以及产生抗菌性植保素、酚类化合物和丙二醛等物质,构建起一种天然的保护屏障,以帮助植物抵御病原菌的侵袭。Shan
4.4 促进植物生长
5 生防微生物的应用方式
5.1 对棉花种子的处理
5.2 复合生防菌剂
在生物防治领域,利用单一微生物防治植物病害的报道较多。然而,单一微生物菌剂往往受限于其活性成分,导致其功能相对有限,并且对应用环境的要求较高。同时,单一生防微生物的防治机制较为单一,可能需要大量的菌体才能达到理想的防治效果。因此,将具备不同功能的微生物进行组合,开发出相较于单一微生物菌剂具有更稳定防治效果和更强促生作用的复合微生物菌剂,已经成为近年来生防微生物研究的重要发展方向;“中棉菌乐土”是由中国农业科学院棉花研究所开发的以棉花内生真菌为主的复合微生物菌剂,在温室和病圃试验中,该菌剂对棉花和茄子等作物的枯萎病和黄萎病展现出了显著的防治效果;施用“中棉菌乐土”后30 d和80 d,其对重度、中度和轻度黄萎病田的相对防治效率分别达到 34.7%-74.6%;同时,对于同样程度的病田,该菌剂还能使籽棉产量提高10.8%-13.6
6 展望
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