揭示三峡水库消落区典型优势植物苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)根际微生物群落结构特征,阐明其与土壤质量的关系。
在水淹胁迫强(XaRLL)和低(XaRHL)区域中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)是苍耳根际细菌群落中共同的最优势细菌门,最优势的真菌门则分别为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota)。无论是细菌还是真菌,线性判别分析(linear discriminant analysis effect size, LEfSe)结果显示,XaRLL的关键生物标志物总是多于XaRHL。功能预测分析发现,与有氧呼吸相关的PWY-3781是XaRLL和XaRHL二者共同富集的优势代谢途径。整体而言,苍耳根际微生物群落对土壤的理化性质和酶活的变化反应强烈。
苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)属于一年生草本植物,隶属于菊科苍耳属。苍耳在我国分布广泛,常见于路边、草地和坡地,是三峡水库消落区的优势植物之
1 材料与方法
1.1 苍耳根际土壤采集
云阳县地处重庆市东北部、三峡库区腹心,年均气温、年降水量和年均日照时数分别为18.7 ℃、1 145 mm和1 528 h。在云阳县消落带,典型的优势植物为苍耳。根际土壤样品采自于重庆市云阳县桔园村附近消落区(30.947°N,108.692°E)。布设的采样区域位于165 m以上及以下,分别对应水淹胁迫强度低和高的区域。由于该区域的苍耳普遍比较幼小,因此对于这两类区域的采样点均在15个以上。将采集的根际土壤按照水淹胁迫强度分装成12份,即用于根际土壤理化性质分析的样品6份和用于根际土壤微生物高通量测序分析的样品6份。对于取自水淹胁迫强区域的苍耳根际土壤(XaRLL),3份样品分别标记为XaRLL-1、XaRLL-2和XaRLL-3;对于取自水淹胁迫低区域的苍耳根际土壤(XaRHL),3份样品分别标记为XaRHL-1、XaRHL-2和XaRHL-3。
1.2 苍耳土壤理化性质和酶活测定
将采集的苍耳根际土壤样品在实验室阴凉处摊开晾干,共测定9个理化性质指标(电导率、pH、有效磷、有效钾、铵态氮、碱解氮、硝态氮、全氮、土壤有机碳)和5个土壤酶活(过氧化氢酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、脱氢酶与蔗糖酶)。土壤pH和有机质的测定参考NY/T 1121.2—2006标
1.3 苍耳根际微生物基因组提取及高通量测序
利用CTAB方法提取DNA,从而获取苍耳根际土壤微生物基因组,检测DNA纯度与浓度。使用特异性引物341F (5′-CCTAYGGGRBGCASCAG-3′)和806R (5′-GGACTACNNGGGTATCTAAT-3′)扩增16S rRNA基因V3-V4可变区;同时采用特异性引物ITS1F (5′-CTTGGTCATTTAGA GGAAGTAA-3′)和ITS2R (5′-GCTGCGTTCTT CATCGATGC-3′)扩增ITS区。PCR反应体系:Husio
2 结果与讨论
2.1 苍耳根际土壤理化性质与酶活分析
Sample | pH | Soil organic matter (g/kg) ** | Total N (g/kg) ** | Alkaline hydrolyzable N (g/kg) ** | Available P (mg/kg) ** | AmmoniumN (mg/kg) ** | Nitrate N (mg/kg) ** | Available K (mg/kg) * | Conductivity (μs/cm) ** |
XaRHL | 8.82±0.01 | 22.24±0.25 | 1.03±0.02 | 41.53±1.20 | 10.34±0.15 | 4.60±0.39 | 4.66±0.10 | 233.80±2.86 | 127.73±0.55 |
XaRLL | 8.75±0.03 | 15.43±0.48 | 1.38±0.03 | 64.99±2.40 | 22.31±0.54 | 6.84±0.52 | 18.95±0.32 | 246.78±3.02 | 88.53±0.31 |
*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01.
Sample | Urease ((μg/g)/24 h) ** | Catalase ((μmol/g)/h) ** | Alkaline phosphatase ((mg/g)/24 h) ** | Dehydrogenase ((μL/g)/6 h) * | Sucrase ((mg/g)/24 h) ** |
XaRHL | 185.65±12.32 | 2 288.08±12.89 | 0.84±0.03 | 0.006 2±0.000 1 | 8.68±0.49 |
XaRLL | 1 641.12±66.64 | 2 661.86±28.92 | 1.65±0.03 | 0.007 5±0.000 3 | 13.77±0.18 |
*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01.
2.2 苍耳根际微生物群落组成
在处于水淹胁迫强(XaRLL)和低(XaRHL)的苍耳根际细菌群落中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)在门水平上相对丰度均是最高的,分别占据55.4%和39.4% (

图1 苍耳根际细菌在门(A)、目(B)和属(C)水平上的组成
Figure 1 Bacteria composition at the phylum (A), order (B) and genus (C) levels in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum. The relative abundance values of various microorganisms in XaRLL are the average of XaRLL-1, XaRLL-2, and XaRLL-3; The relative abundance values of various microorganisms in XaRHL are the average of XaRHL-1, XaRHL-2, and XaRHL-3.

图2 苍耳根际真菌在门(A)、目(B)和属(C)水平上的组成
Figure 2 Fungi composition at the phylum (A), order (B) and genus (C) levels in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum. The relative abundance values of various microorganisms in XaRLL are the average of XaRLL-1, XaRLL-2, and XaRLL-3; The relative abundance values of various microorganisms in XaRHL are the average of XaRHL-1, XaRHL-2, and XaRHL-3.

图3 苍耳根际细菌群落(A)和真菌群落(B)的LEfSe分析(LDA score≥4.0)
Figure 3 LEfSe analyses of bacterial (A) and fungal (B) communities in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum (LDA score≥4.0).
2.3 苍耳根际微生物的α多样性与代谢功能
Sample | Microbe | Chao1 | Faith_pd | Observed_features | Shannon | Simpson |
XaRHL | Bacteria | 2 998.87±186.76 | 161.84±10.59 | 2 977.33±185.71 | 10.15±0.21 | 0.996 0±0.00 |
Fungi | 579.00±197.61 | 87.37±21.86 | 579.00±197.61 | 4.58±1.06 | 0.850 0±0.08 | |
XaRLL | Bacteria | 3 014.49±315.97 | 172.50±19.66 | 2 991.33±313.29 | 10.46±0.08 | 0.998 0±0.00 |
Fungi | 763.67±76.88 | 109.66±9.31 | 763.67±76.88 | 6.25±0.96 | 0.923 0±0.08 |

图4 苍耳根际细菌(A)和真菌(B)共有和独有的OTUs数量
Figure 4 Shared and unique bacteria (A) and fungal (B) OTUs numbers in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum.

图5 苍耳根际细菌群落(A)和真菌群落(B)的代谢途径分析
Figure 5 Analyses of metabolic pathways for bacterial (A) and fungal (B) communities in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum. The relative abundance values of various metabolic pathways in XaRLL are the average of XaRLL-1, XaRLL-2, and XaRLL-3; The relative abundance values of various metabolic pathways in XaRHL are the average of XaRHL-1, XaRHL-2, and XaRHL-3.
2.4 苍耳根际微生物群落变化的环境驱动因子

图6 苍耳根际细菌群落(A)和真菌群落(B)的冗余分析
Figure 6 Redundancy analyses for bacteria (A) and fungal (B) communities in the rhizospheric soils of Xanthium sibiricum. AVL_P, EC, AVL_K, AVL_N, SOC, Total N, TAN, and NO3-N refer to available phosphorus, conductivity, available potassium, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen, respectively; C_act, U_act, AP_act, D_act, S_act refer to catalase activity, urease activity, alkaline phosphatase activity, dehydrogenase activity, and sucrase activity, respectively.
3 结论
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