重金属一般是指密度大于5 g/c

图1 生物传感器的工作原理。A:生物传感器的一般组成;B:重金属全细胞微生物传感器的生物识别与信号传输过程。
Figure 1 Working principle of biosensor. A: General composition of biosensors; B: Recognition and sensing of heavy metals by whole-cell microbial biosensors.
全细胞微生物传感器(whole-cell microbial biosensor, WCMB)采用完整的微生物细胞集成生物识别模块与信号传感模块,与酶、核酸生物传感器相比,其制备成本更低、操作性能更稳定,能够在复杂环境中生存和适应,并可重复使用;其中以转录因子作为生物识别模块构建的重金属WCMB数量最多、应用最广,不仅展现出对多种重金属离子的高灵敏性和特异性响应,还具备简单快速、现场检测的能
1 基于转录因子的重金属全细胞微生物传感器的构建及应用
1.1 全细胞微生物传感器的基本组成和设计原理
1.1.1 响应元件的选择

图2 转录因子对重金属的响应机制。A:转录激活;B:转录抑制。
Figure 2 Responsive mechanisms of transcription factors to heavy metals. A: Transcription activation; B: Transcription inhibition.
Metal-responsive protein family | Family members and responders | References |
MerR family | MerR (Hg), ZntR (Cd, Pb, Zn), ZccR (Zn, PbrR (Pb), CueR (Cu, Au), GolS (Au), HmrR (Ag), CoaR (Co), CadR (Cd), NimR (Ni) |
[ |
Fur family | Fur (Fe), Zur (Zn), Mur (Mn), Nur (Ni), PerR (Mn/Fe) |
[ |
DtxR family | DtxR, IdeR, SirR (Fe), MntR (Mn, ScaR (Cd), TroR (Mn, Zn) |
[ |
NikR family | NikR (Ni) |
[ |
ArsR/SmtB family | CmtR, ZiaR, AztR (Zn), CzrA (Zn, Co), ArsR (As, Sb, Bi), CadC (Cd, Pb, Zn), SmtB (As, Cd), NmtR (Ni, Co), KmtR (Ni), BxmR (Cu, Ag, Zn, Cd) |
[ |
CsoR-RcnR family | CsoR (Cu), RcnR (Ni、Co) |
[ |
CopY family | CopY (Cu) |
[ |
1.1.2 报告元件的选择
生物发光或荧光等光信号传导方式,因其敏感性及报告基因的多样性而备受青睐。这些报告基因可以是荧光蛋白或荧光素酶;常用的荧光蛋白包括绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein, GFP)、黄色荧光蛋白(yellow fluorescent protein, YFP)、红色荧光蛋白(red fluorescent protein, RFP)等;这些蛋白在特定波长的光激发下能够发出稳定且明亮的荧光,对细胞无毒害且易于检
1.1.3 基因回路的设计

图3 重金属全细胞微生物生物传感器基因回路的设计方案。A:单输入信号通路;B:双输入单诱导信号通路;C:双输入双诱导信号通路;D:多输入信号通路。
Figure 3 Design of gene circuits for heavy metal whole-cell microbial biosensor. A: Single-input signal pathway; B: Double-input single-induction signal pathway; C: Double-input double-induction signal pathway; D: Multiple-input signal pathway.
1.1.4 底盘细胞的选择
1.2 基于转录因子的重金属全细胞微生物传感器的构建及应用
Sensing element | Detection object | Reporter gene | Host cell | Application | Detection range (μmol/L) | References |
Transcription activator | ||||||
MerR |
H | rfp | Escherichia coli DH5α | Rapid and convenient screening of total inorganic mercury in cosmetics | 0.050 0-10 |
[ |
H | rfp, amilcpblue | Escherichia coli DH5α | The extremely wide linear range meets the different monitoring requirements | 0.001 0-1 (Mer-RFP), 0.002 0-0.125 0 (Mer-Blue) |
[ | |
ZntR |
Z | zntR, ribB, oprF | Escherichia coli BL21 | Microbial fuel cell electrobiosensor | 0-400 |
[ |
PbrR |
P | vio ABCDE | Escherichia coli TOP10 |
Detection of biologically available P | 0.187 5-1.500 0 |
[ |
P | Luc | Escherichia coli DH5α |
Detection of P | 1-100 |
[ | |
CadR |
C | vio ABCDE | Escherichia coli TOP10 |
Detection of soluble C | 0.049 0-25 |
[ |
C | rfp | Multiple Gram-negative bacteria | The importance of WCMB testing in different genera of bacteria was emphasized |
0.500 0–2.000 0 μg/mL (E. coli DH5α) 0.100 0 μg/mL (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1) 10 μg/mL (Shewanella oneidensis MR-1) 0.250 0 μg/mL (Enterobacter sp. NCR3) 1 μg/mL (Enterobacter sp. LCR17) |
[ | |
P | Luc | Escherichia coli DH5α |
For the detection of P | 0.010 0-10 |
[ | |
CueR |
A | rfp | Cupriavidus etallidurans |
Monitoring the concentration of A | ≥0.110 0 |
[ |
Transcription inhibitors | ||||||
EcArsR |
AsO | luc | Escherichia coli DH5α | A WCMB that is highly sensitive to arsenite has been developed | 0.100 0-1≥0.040 0 |
[ |
ArsR1 |
AsO | gfp | Escherichia coli TOP10 | A WCMB that is highly sensitive to arsenite has been developed |
0.030 0-0.100 0 (2.250 0-7.500 0 μg/L) ≥0.010 0 |
[ |
SxArsR |
S | luc | Sphingobium xenophagum C1 | A novel subtype of the ArsR family transcription factor, designated as SxArsR, has been identified, which exhibits specific responsiveness to Sb |
0.010 0-6 ≥0.010 |
[ |
Combination of transcription factors | ||||||
MerR, CadR |
H | egfp, mCherry | Escherichia coli TOP10 | Detection of concurrent heavy metal contaminants in the environment |
0-40 (H |
[ |
CadC, CadR |
C | egfp and mCherry | Escherichia coli TOP10 | Detection of high concentrations of biologically available Cd in water | ≥0.050 0 (CadC-eGFP), ≥0.100 0 (CadR-mCherry) |
[ |
MerR, PbrR |
H | Indigoidine biosynthetic module | Escherichia coli TOP10 |
Detection of H | ≥0.008 0 |
[ |
CadR, MerR |
C | vioABE, vioC | Escherichia coli TOP10 | Designed for detecting heavy metal contaminants in seawater |
0.004 9-40, ≥0.004 9 (C |
[ |
UzcRS, UrpRS |
UO | gfp | Caulobacter vibrioides | Detection of uranium (U) in groundwater samples | ≥1 |
[ |
≥ indicates the minimum detection limit;
1.2.1 基于转录激活因子的重金属全细胞微生物传感器的构建及应用
当以PbrR和CadR作为识别元件,荧光素酶蛋白Luc作为报告元件时构建了2种WCMB,其中pGL3-luc/cad可检测0.010 0-10 μmol/L的P
CueR蛋白作为转录激活因子,能够结合在启动子DNA的-35--10区之间,通过改变DNA构象来激活下游基因的转录;以CueR作为识别元件及红色荧光蛋白(RFP)作为报告元件,在耐重金属贪铜菌(Cupriavidus metallidurans)中构建的受启动子PcopZ驱动的金响应WCMB具有高度的A
1.2.2 基于转录抑制因子的重金属全细胞微生物传感器的构建及应用
NikR是另一种被广泛用于构建重金属监测生物传感器的转录抑制因子。NikR是Ni依赖的转录调节蛋白,通过负调控Ni ABC型转运体(Nik ABCDE)的表达来应对过量的Ni摄入,在维持细菌细胞中的Ni稳态发挥关键作
1.2.3 基于组合转录因子的重金属全细胞微生物传感器的构建及应用
2 基于合成生物学策略的全细胞微生物传感器性能改造与优化
Sensing element | Detection object | Optimization strategy | Application | Performance enhancement (μmol/L) | References |
ZntR |
C | Protein engineering |
Cr and Pb-responsive WCMB were developed from the znt-manipulation subsystem for the determination of P |
New selectivity for C |
[ |
P | Protein engineering |
The content of P |
0-0.010 0, <0.005 |
[ | |
ArsR |
P | Protein engineering |
The content of P | Detection accuracy>95% |
[ |
MerR |
H | Protein engineering |
The content of H | ≥0.020 4 |
[ |
H Z C | Protein engineering | A new chimeric regulator WCMB was developed by replacing the metal-binding domain of MerR with ZntR or CueR |
≥0.001 0 H ≥30 Z ≥10 C |
[ | |
CadR |
C | Protein engineering |
The content of C | ≥0.450 0 μg/L |
[ |
C | Protein engineering |
The interference of H |
0.500 0-100, ≥0.079 |
[ | |
MerR |
H | Protein engineering |
The “Parabola principle” is proposed and a visualized WCMB for H | 0.200 0-0.250 0 |
[ |
H |
Protein engineering Promoter engineering |
A super-sensitive visualized WCMB for the detection of ultra-trace H |
≥0.313 0ng/L. When the fluorescence signal is more than 2.500 0 ng/l, it can be observed directl |
[ | |
ArsR |
AsO | Promoter engineering |
A high sensitivity AsO | 0.100 0-4, ≥0.010 0 |
[ |
AsO | Promoter engineering |
A highly sensitive and specific WCMB for AsO |
≥0.010 |
[ | |
AsO | Promoter engineering |
A functional promoter library screening method was developed, and different AsO | ≥0.040 0 |
[ | |
AsO | Promoter engineering |
A highly sensitive and specific WCMB for AsO | ≥0.100 0 |
[ | |
ArsR MerR |
AsO H | Promoter engineering |
A modular cascaded signal amplification method was developed, and a low-cost, portable and accurate AsO |
≥0.100 0 ppb AsO ≥0.010 0 ppb H |
[ |
CadR |
C | Promoter engineering |
A highly sensitive and specific C | ≥0.010 0 |
[ |
C | Promoter engineering |
A C |
≥0.000 |
[ |
≥ indicates a minimum detection limit; < indicates a lower detection limit;
2.1 蛋白质工程——改变转录因子的蛋白结构
2.2 启动子工程——优化结合位点序列、增强报告信号
2.2.1 优化转录因子结合位点及RNA聚合酶结合位点序列
2.2.2 设计增强报告信号的基因回路
3 总结与展望
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