小麦赤霉病(Fusarium head blight, FHB),又称烂麦头,是一种由真菌病原菌禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)侵染引起的麦类气候性病
此外,植物微生物组被誉为植物 “第二大基因组”,是植物基因组的延伸,当植物宿主受到病原菌侵染后,其关联的植物微生物也会出现明显的变化,进而影响植物表
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验设计和样品采集
本研究样品采集自浙江省宁波市(30°5′24″- 30°9′0″N,121°4′12″E-121°8′24″E)小麦田,该区域是小麦赤霉病多发区域,小麦生产常年受到赤霉病的危害。当地年平均气温为18.3 ℃,土壤类型为中咸土,每年执行小麦-玉米轮作。

图1 实验设计与病原菌丰度检测。A:实验设计分析流程;B:健康与患病小麦穗部表型;C:Wilcoxon test配对检验了健康与患病小麦穗部禾谷镰刀菌丰度差异;D:健康与患病小麦根际土壤禾谷镰刀菌丰度差异。
Figure 1 Experimental design and pathogen Fusarium graminearum abundance. A: Design of experiment s analysis process; B: The phenotype of healthy and diseased wheat panicle; The results (P-values) of Wilcoxon test show the difference between healthy and diseased samples in wheat panicle (C) and rhizosphere soil (D).
1.2 DNA提取和病原菌定量分析
在提取小麦穗内微生物前,对小麦穗部进行表面灭菌处理,具体步骤如下:称取2 g穗用灭菌水冲洗干净表面,然后放置在装有75%乙醇的100 mL无菌离心管中浸泡5 min,紧接着再放入装有2.5%次氯酸钠溶液的无菌离心管中浸泡5 min,再转移到另一个装有75%乙醇的无菌离心管中浸泡30 s,最后弃去乙醇溶液,并用灭菌水反复冲洗5次。取最后洗液300 μL于LB琼脂上25 ℃培养3 d,检查灭菌效
称取0.20 g已进行表面灭菌的小麦穗部组织用液氮预冷,并用研磨机研磨粉碎,土壤称取0.45 g,使用DNeasy PowerSoil Kit (Qiagen公司)提取穗部和根际土壤DNA,具体操作参照试剂盒说明书。DNA提取后利用超微量分光光度计(Implen公司)测量其浓度和质量,最后将DNA提取液放置在-80 ℃储存备用。
禾谷镰刀菌(F. graminearm)定量在LightCycle
1.3 植物微生物高通量测序和生物信息分析
微生物测序分析基于Illumina MiSeq PE250平台,对细菌16S rRNA基因V4区进行扩增时选用的引物对为515F (5′-GTGCCAGCM GCCGCGGTAA-3′)和806R (5′-GGACTACHV GGGTATCTAAT-3′
下机数据在QIIME 2 (v.2020.8)平台处理。首先去除barcode和引物序列,并且进行双端合并。然后使用q2-demux插件对原始数据进行拆分和质量过滤,去除平均Phred得分(Q得分)低于20、引物不匹配以及序列长度小于150 bp的原始序列。使用DADA2去
1.4 数据统计及分析
使用R.4.0.2 (http://www.r-project.org)的“vegen”包计算各个样品微生物群落的丰富度和Shannon指数,评估微生物群落的丰富度和均匀度。利用健康与患病小麦间ASVs相对丰度正态分布均值的偏差来计算微生物群落平均变异度来评估群落稳定
利用在线平台(http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/galaxy)进行线性判别分析(linear discriminant analysis, LDA),判断健康和患病植株间具有显著差异的物种,然后通过R软件以火山图的形式在ASVs (平均相对丰度>0.05%)水平上展示健康和患病植株根际土壤和穗部的生物标志
基于ASVs水平对健康和患病植株细菌和真菌群落进行跨界微生物共现网络分析。首先过滤掉相对丰度小于0.01%的物种,再使用R语言的“psych”包获得相关性矩阵,最后利用Gephi 0.9.2计算细菌和真菌交互的网络拓扑参数,并实现可视化。基于Wilcoxon test检验确定健康与患病样本间网络稳定性的差异。最后通过线性回归分析分析网络稳定性与禾谷镰刀菌丰度之间的关系。
采用R软件进行随机森林模型(random forest)分析,评估微生物多样性和网络稳定性对禾谷镰刀菌定殖的影响,计算过程使用“randomForest”包进行运算,不同因子贡献度显著性使用“rfPermute”包进行计算。
2 结果与分析
2.1 病原菌丰度
2.2 植物微生物多样性及其与病原菌丰度的关联分析

图2 健康与患病小麦根际土壤和穗部微生物多样性差异。A:细菌丰富度指数;B:细菌香农指数;C:细菌群落平均变异度;D:真菌丰富度指数;E:真菌香农指数;F:真菌群落平均变异度;G:小麦根际土壤细菌β多样性;H:小麦穗部细菌β多样性;I:小麦根际土壤真菌β多样性;J:小麦穗部真菌β多样性。通过主坐标分析和Adonis2检验了β多样性在不同发病状况小麦间的差异。柱状图和点的颜色代表不同患病状况的小麦,*代表不同发病状况影响的显著水平(*:P<0.05;**:P<0.01;***:P<0.001);ns代表无显著影响。
Figure 2 The differences in rhizosphere soil and panicle microbial diversity between healthy and diseased wheat. A: Bacterial richness index; B: Bacterial Shannon index; C: Bacterial variation degree; D: Fungal richness index; E: Fungal Shannon index; F: Fungal average variation degree; G: Bacterial beta diversity in wheat rhizosphere soil; H: Bacterial beta diversity in wheat panicles; I: Fungal beta diversity in wheat rhizosphere soil; J: Fungal beta diversity in wheat panicles. Principal coordinate analysis and “Adonis2” function were used to test the differences of beta diversity among healthy and diseased wheat. The different colors represent wheat with different disease conditions, and the asterisk (*) represents the significant level of influence of different disease conditions (*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001). ns stands for non-significant effect.

图3 病原菌丰度与小麦微生物多样性指数关联分析。通过线性回归分别将根际土壤和穗部细菌和真菌丰富度指数(A、E)、Shannon指数(B、F)、PCo1值(C、G)和平均变异度(D、H)与病原菌丰度进行相关性分析。*代表多样性指数与病原菌丰度相关性的显著水平(*:P<0.05;**:P<0.01;***:P<0.001)。
Figure 3 The relationship between plant pathogen abundance and wheat microbial diversity. The correlation of pathogen abundance and the richness index for bacteria (A) and fungi (E), the Shannon index for bacteria (B) and fungi (F), the PCo1 values for bacteria (C) and fungi (G) based on Principal coordinate analysis, and the average variation degree for bacteria (D) and fungi (H) were performed using linear regression analysis. * represents a significant level of correlation between the diversity index and pathogen abundance (*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001).
2.3 植物微生物组成和物种差异分析

图4 健康与患病样本细菌和真菌群落组成。细菌(A)和真菌(C)分别在门水平和纲水平上的群落组成。通过t-test分别分析了健康与患病小麦根际土壤(B)和穗部(D)差异的门和纲。
Figure 4 The composition of bacterial and fungal communities between health and disease samples. Bacterial taxa (A, B) and fungal taxa (C, D) were analyzed at the phylum and class level, respectively. The phylum of rhizosphere soil and class level of panicle of healthy and diseased wheat were analyzed by t-test.

图5 小麦不同患病状况根际土壤和穗部关键微生物及其与病原菌丰度的关系。A:火山图展示小麦根际土壤细菌差异物种;B:火山图展示小麦穗部细菌差异物种;C:火山图展示小麦根际土壤真菌差异物种;D:火山图展示小麦穗部真菌差异物种,括号中的数字代表健康或患病小麦根际土壤和穗部富集的微生物数目;E:根际土壤生物标志物与病原菌禾谷镰刀菌丰度相关性分析,不同颜色的点分别代表细菌和真菌;F:穗部关键物种与病原菌丰度相关性分析,不同颜色的点代表不同的微生物属,红色边代表正相关,绿色边代表负相关。
Figure 5 Key microorganisms in rhizosphere soil and panicle under different disease conditions of wheat and their relationship with pathogen abundance. A: The volcano plot performed the difference of rhizosphere bacterial ASVs; B: The volcano plot performed the difference of rhizosphere fungal ASVs; C: The volcano plot performed the difference of wheat panicle bacterial ASVs; D: The volcano plot performed the difference of wheat panicle fungal ASVs, the numbers in parentheses represent the number of microorganisms enriched in the healthy or diseased wheat rhizosphere soil and panicles; E: Correlation analysis of rhizosphere soil biomarkers and pathogen abundance, yellow and blue represent bacteria and fungi, respectively; F: Correlation analysis of panicle biomarkers and pathogen abundance, the different colors represent different genus. The edges in red and green represent positive and negative correlation pattern.
2.4 微生物共现性网络分析
为了探究小麦赤霉病胁迫对植物微生物互作的影响,在ASVs水平上构建了细菌-真菌跨界共现网络,旨在明确小麦赤霉病对微生物潜在的相互作用的影响。总的来说,小麦穗部微生物网络与根际表现出相反的趋势。小麦穗部在病害发生后表现出更复杂的网络模式,网络节点和网络边数均高于健康植株,而根际土壤微生物网络在病害发生后变得更加简单,其节点和边的数量分别下降了21.77%和31.43% (图

图6 健康和患病小麦根际土壤及穗部的微生物共现网络差异。A:小麦根际土壤健康和患病微生物共现网络;B:小麦穗部健康与患病微生物共现网络,粉色和蓝色点分别代表细菌和真菌,红色和绿色边分别表示正相关和负相关;C:健康与患病小麦分别在根际土壤和穗部的微生物网络稳定性差异;D:根际土壤病原菌丰度与微生物网络稳定性相关性分析;F:小麦穗部病原菌丰度与微生物网络稳定性相关性分析。*代表不同发病状况影响的显著水平和网络稳定性指数与病原菌丰度相关性的显著水平(*:P<0.05;***:P<0.001),ns代表无显著影响。
Figure 6 Visualized networks of microbial co-occurrence patterns in rhizosphere soil and panicle of healthy and diseased wheat. A: Visualized networks of microbial co-occurrence patterns in rhizosphere soil; B: Visualized networks of microbial co-occurrence patterns in panicle. The pink and blue dots represent bacteria and fungi, respectively, and the red and green edges indicate positive and negative correlations, respectively; C: Differences in microbial network stability in rhizosphere soil and panicle between healthy and diseased wheat; D: The relationship between plant pathogen abundance and rhizosphere soil microbial network stability; E: The relationship between plant pathogen abundance and panicle microbial network stability. * represents the significant level of influence of different disease conditions and correlation between network stability index and pathogen abundance (*: P<0.05; ***: P<0.001). ns stands for non-significant effect.
Network | Wheat panicle | Rhizosphere soil | ||
Health | Disease | Health | Disease | |
Number of nodes | 389 | 452 | 2 457 | 1 922 |
Number of edges | 1 170 | 1 940 | 22 020 | 15 099 |
Positive (%) | 83.13 | 88.67 | 95.15 | 95.51 |
Negative (%) | 16.87 | 11.33 | 4.85 | 4.09 |
Bacterial ratio (%) | 59.64 | 86.06 | 81.56 | 73.73 |
Fungal ratio (%) | 40.36 | 13.94 | 18.44 | 26.27 |
Average degree | 6.02 | 8.58 | 17.92 | 15.71 |
Network diameter | 18 | 14 | 9 | 10 |
Network density | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Modularity | 1.22 | 0.93 | 0.62 | 0.63 |
Average clustering coefficient | 0.51 | 0.56 | 0.27 | 0.29 |
Average path length | 6.01 | 5.50 | 3.71 | 3.80 |
2.5 植物微生物群落变化对病原菌丰度的预测

图7 微生物多样性和网络稳定性对病原菌丰度的随机森林预测。A:小麦根际土壤微生物多样性和网络稳定性对病原菌丰度的随机森林预测;B:小麦穗部微生物多样性和网络稳定性对病原菌丰度的随机森林预测。*代表不同发病状况影响的显著水平和网络稳定性指数与病原菌丰度相关性的显著水平(*:P<0.05;**:P<0.01)。
Figure 7 Random forest prediction of pathogen abundance by microbial diversity and network stability. A: Random forest prediction of pathogen abundance by rhizosphere soil microbial diversity and network stability; B: Random forest prediction of pathogen abundance by wheat microbial diversity and network stability. * represents the significant level of influence of different disease conditions and correlation between network stability index and pathogen abundance (*: P<0.05; **: P<0.01).
3 讨论
3.1 小麦赤霉病发生影响植物微生物多样性和群落稳定性
3.2 小麦赤霉病发生诱导植物微生物富集,降低网络稳定性
4 结论
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