菌丝球的发酵培养、形态分析、代谢产物纯化,以及在污水处理和能源回收等领域的应用研究获得了环境和生物领域学者的广泛关注。全面了解菌丝球相关研究的进展和未来的热点趋势。基于Web of Science数据库,筛选出近20年与菌丝球环境应用相关的1 337篇科技文献,采用可视化方法,进行了关键词聚类、关键词时间趋势分析和关键词国家、作者、发文机构共现分析。发现总发文量总体呈上升趋势,共涉及97个学科类别,跨多学科文章较多,也往往具有更高的引用价值,我国在此领域取得的成果显示出明显的优势,并与其他国家保持密切的合作。热门研究关键词一直保持稳定(growth, morphology, fermentation, removal, degradation, mycelial pellets, biological control, fungi, culture, optimization, biodegradation, biosorption),近年来热度上升和新兴关键词出现了明显的变化。菌丝球在水处理领域的应用研究越来越热,与此相关的关键词(waste water, performance)热度上升;与菌丝球作为生物质载体处理污水(biomass, bacteria)、菌丝球生物合成(biosynthesis)、菌丝球和藻类共生处理污水(Chlorella vulgaris, microalgae)等领域相关的新兴关键词陆续出现并保持热度,表明菌丝球在水处理领域的相关研究逐步划分出更系统的研究方向,成为菌丝球未来的研究热点和机遇。
1 研究方法
1.1 数据收集
本研究选用的数据来源于国际公认的代表科学研究水准的数据库(Web of Science)中的核心数据集。鉴于数据库的实时性,所有数据均在同一天(2024年6月7日)进行检索和下载。检索式为TS=(mycelial pellet) OR TS=(mycelium pellet) OR TS=(fungal pellet) OR TS=(fungi pellet),时间范围选取了2004年1月1日至2024年6月1日,检索到2 230篇文献。保留研究论文和综述论文,删除其他如新闻、会议摘要、书籍章节等通常无系统生成关键词的文献类型,得到1 337篇文献供后续分析。
1.2 数据处理
使用CiteSpace和VOSviewer两款工具对文献进行分析。同时,借助Excel和Pajek软件对原始关键词进行预处理。预处理包含以下关键步骤:(1) 设定最小阈值(≥8),筛选出频次高于此阈值的关键词作为预处理的主要对象;(2) 关键词标准化,避免大小写和连字符可能带来的匹配问题;(3) 识别和替换关键词中的同义词和变体词;(4) 校正国家和人名格式。在数据可视化分析方面,结合VOSviewer和Scimago Graphica两款软件的优势,并使用了Origin软件绘制统计图。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 发文量及趋势分析

图1 菌丝球环境应用研究领域年发文量及趋势
Figure 1 The annual number of publications and trend in the field of environmental applications of mycelial pellets.
2.2 文献所属学科分析

图2 菌丝球环境应用研究领域前15学科发文量
Figure 2 The number of publications in the top 15 disciplines in the field of environmental applications of mycelial pellets.
2.3 文献来源期刊分析
学术期刊是展示研究领域学术信息和知识传播成果的重要载体,影响因子(impact factor, IF)是衡量期刊学术水平及发文质量的关键指标。如

图3 菌丝球环境应用领域发文量前25的期刊
Figure 3 The top 25 journals with the highest number of publications in the field of environmental applications of mycelial pellets.
2.4 发文机构分析

图4 国家、作者及发文机构共现图。A:国家共现图;B:作者共现图;C:发文机构共现图。
Figure 4 Co-occurrence of countries, authors and institutions. A: Co-occurrence of countries; B: Co-occurrence of authors; C: Co-occurrence of institutions.
3 菌丝球及其在环境领域的应用研究现状及发展趋势
3.1 形成菌丝球的真菌种类

图5 菌丝球环境应用领域关键词聚类(VOSviewer)
Figure 5 Keywords clustering in the field of environmental applications of mycelial pellets (VOSviewer).
3.2 菌丝球的培养和形态研究现状
培养条件优化是菌丝球的基础研究(optimization, pH, agitation, submerged culture, submerged fermentation, batch, solid-state)。剪切力、培养基成分、pH值、温度、接种孢子的浓度都是影响菌丝球结构和功能的环境因
菌丝球的形成机制和菌丝球形态结构分析也是基础研究的重要部分(aggregation, pellet formation, image analysis, morphology, fungal morphology, pellet morphology, mycelial morphology, rheology, filamentous microorganisms, filamentous fungal pellet)。菌丝球的形成过程始于孢子的聚集,疏水性是真菌孢子在培养液中聚集的重要原
针对菌丝球最初的研究目的是提高工业生产效率,因此关于真菌代谢产物的生物合成和纯化一直以来都是菌丝球应用研究的热点(biosynthesis, purification, enzyme, ethanol, cellulase, acid, lovastation, gene, protein, expression, oxidative stress)。真菌发酵常用来生产柠檬酸、青霉素、链霉素、各种胞外酶等生物产
3.3 菌丝球水处理领域应用研究现状
作为吸附剂,菌丝球在处理染料等高色度废水、含重金属废水和难降解有机废水时表现出较高的效能(dye, azo dyes, heavy-metals, water, waste-water),成本低
形成菌丝球的真菌属于真核生物,相比于以细菌为主的活性污泥,真菌能产生种类更丰富、降解效果更好的胞外酶系,适用于环境浓度低的持久性有机污染物的降解和水环境修复(manganese peroxidase, laccase, degradation, biodegradation, bioremediation, toxicity
在污水处理领域,采用菌丝球作为载体,生物强化具有吸附功能的纳米材料或具有特定降解功能的微生物成为近年来的研究热点(immobilization, mechanism
藻类是常见的水生生物,能够产生叶绿素,从而进行光合作用产生氧气,同时在水质净化和生物能源领域具有较大的应用潜力(microalgae, waste-water treatment
3.4 菌丝球在环境领域应用研究的发展趋势
Fyears= | (1) |
F2014-2024=×1 000 | (2) |
F2004-2013=×1 000 | (3) |
TF= | (4) |
式中,fyears是某关键词在某年样本文献中出现的频次,Nyears是某年样本文献的数量,Fyears是某关键词某段时间的标准化累计频次,即某段时间内每1 000篇论文中出现该关键词论文的平均数量,F2014-2024、F2004-2013分别是2014-2024年间、2004-2013年间某关键词的标准化累计频次。

图6 2004-2024年出现频次最高的40个关键词每年的标准化累计频次
Figure 6 The annual normalized cumulative frequency of the top 40 frequent keywords from 2004 to 2024.

图7 2004-2014年出现频次最高的40个关键词基于TF的时间趋势分布
Figure 7 Distribution of temporal trend of the top 40 frequent keywords from 2004 to 2024 based on TF.
4 总结与展望
BINUPRIYA AR, SATHISHKUMAR M, SWAMINATHAN K, KU CS, YUN SE. Comparative studies on removal of Congo red by native and modified mycelial pellets of Trametes versicolor in various reactor modes[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(5): 1080-1088. [百度学术]
MATHUR A, DUBEY S, PRASAD R, SINGH RP. Mycelial and secretome proteomic dynamics of L. squarrosulus AF5 in azo dye degradation[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(2): 109374. [百度学术]
LU T, ZHANG QL, YAO SJ. Efficient decolorization of dye-containing wastewater using mycelial pellets formed of marine-derived Aspergillus niger[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25(3): 330-337. [百度学术]
WANG MX, ZHANG QL, YAO SJ. A novel biosorbent formed of marine-derived Penicillium janthinellum mycelial pellets for removing dyes from dye-containing wastewater[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 259: 837-844. [百度学术]
ZHAO M, WANG W, YANG CP. Property of Curvularia lunata with mycelial pellet form and its use in dye decolorization[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136: S326. [百度学术]
BALDRIAN P. Purification and characterization of laccase from the white-rot fungus Daedalea quercina and decolorization of synthetic dyes by the enzyme[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2004, 63(5): 560-563. [百度学术]
MURUGESAN K, YANG IH, KIM YM, JEON JR, CHANG YS. Enhanced transformation of malachite green by laccase of Ganoderma lucidum in the presence of natural phenolic compounds[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2009, 82(2): 341-350. [百度学术]
LI LX, LIANG TJ, ZHAO MJ, LV Y, SONG ZW, SHENG T, MA F. A review on mycelial pellets as biological carriers: wastewater treatment and recovery for resource and energy[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 355: 127200. [百度学术]
XU XG, YANG Y, JIN H, PANG B, YANG RR, YAN L, JIANG CM, SHAO DY, SHI JL. Fungal in situ assembly gives novel properties to CdSxSe1–x quantum dots for sensitive label-free detection of chloramphenicol[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(17): 6806-6814. [百度学术]
WANG L, YU TM, MA F, VITUS T, BAI SS, YANG JX. Novel self-immobilized biomass mixture based on mycelium pellets for wastewater treatment: a review[J]. Water Environment Research, 2019, 91(2): 93-100. [百度学术]
YU TM, WANG L, MA F, YANG JX, BAI SS, YOU JY. Trazine in water: a bio-functions integration system[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 689: 875-882. [百度学术]
HAN XS, NIU XY, JIN Y, YU JG. Rapid cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for shale gas flowback water treatment by bioaugmentation with inoculation multifunctional fungal pellets[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 457: 142483. [百度学术]
LIM WM, KUMAR S, DONTHU N. How to combine and clean bibliometric data and use bibliometric tools synergistically: guidelines using metaverse research[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2024, 182: 114760. [百度学术]
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ZHAO L, YANG JW, LIU T, CAO H, LIANG Y, WANG BS. Comparison of clinical research trends and hotspots in allergic rhinitis and asthma from 2013 to 2023 based on bibliometric analysis[J]. Heliyon, 2024, 10(12): e32829. [百度学术]
王啸宇, 张亚辉, 张瑾, 陶勇, 梁宏仪. 基于文献计量学的新烟碱类农药毒性研究进展[J]. 环境科学研究, 2024, 37(9): 2042-2053. [百度学术]
WANG XY, ZHANG YH, ZHANG J, TAO Y, LIANG HY. Progress in research on toxicity of neonicotinoid insecticides based on bibliometrics[J]. Research of Environmental Sciences, 2024, 37(9): 2042-2053 (in Chinese). [百度学术]
YU TM, WANG L, MA F, WANG YJ, BAI SS. A bio-functions integration microcosm: self-immobilized biochar-pellets combined with two strains of bacteria to remove atrazine in water and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384: 121326. [百度学术]
PAPAGIANNI M. Fungal morphology and metabolite production in submerged mycelial processes[J]. Biotechnology Advances, 2004, 22(3): 189-259. [百度学术]
LI K, WEI Z, JIA JY, XU Q, LIU H, ZHONG C, HUANG H. Engineered living materials grown from programmable Aspergillus niger mycelial pellets[J]. Materials Today Bio, 2023, 19: 100545. [百度学术]
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ZHANG K, YU C, YANG ST. Effects of soybean meal hydrolysate as the nitrogen source on seed culture morphology and fumaric acid production by Rhizopus oryzae[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(2): 173-179. [百度学术]
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WANG HL, LI P, JIN QL, QIN G. Specific aerobic granules can be developed in a completely mixed tank reactor by bioaugmentation using micro-mycelial pellets of Phanerochaete chrysosporium[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(6): 2687-2697. [百度学术]
CHEN YY, GE JY, WANG SJ, SU HJ. Insight into formation and biological characteristics of Aspergillus tubingensis-based aerobic granular sludge (AT-AGS) in wastewater treatment[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 739: 140128. [百度学术]
GENG MY, YOU SJ, GUO HJ, MA F, XIAO X, ZHANG JN. Impact of fungal pellets dosage on long-term stability of aerobic granular sludge[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 332: 125106. [百度学术]
HAN XS, TANG R, LIU CS, YUE JX, JIN Y, YU JG. Rapid, stable, and highly-efficient development of salt-tolerant aerobic granular sludge by inoculating magnetite-assisted mycelial pellets[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 339: 139645. [百度学术]
XIAO X, GUO HJ, MA F, ZHANG JN, MA XP, YOU SJ. New insights into mycelial pellets for aerobic sludge granulation in membrane bioreactor: bio-functional interactions among metazoans, microbial communities and protein expression[J]. Water Research, 2023, 228: 119361. [百度学术]
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