Microcins are antibacterial peptides produced by Enterobacteria with low molecular masses below 10 kDa. They are encoded by cluster genes on the plasmid or on the genome. Microcins have narrow antibacterial spectrum. They have potent antibacterial activity against closely related bacteria in Enterobacteria. Typical gene clusters in microcins include microcin precursor gene, the self-immunity gene, the secretion gene and frequently the post-translational modification gene. Microcins are ribosomally synthesized as precursors, in contrast to most microbial antibiotics that are non-ribosomally synthesized. Fifteen microcins have been discovered so far. They show a variety of structures and antibacterial mechanisms.
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Xuan liang, Yu Zhang, Yejun Wang, Guoqiang Zhu. Microcins-Antibacterial peptides secreted by Enterobacteria. [J]. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2019, 59(5): 821-831