Coastal wetlands are crucial blue carbon ecosystems and play an indispensable role in regulating global climate change and preserving biodiversity. Microorganisms are key drivers of biogeochemical cycles, maintaining ecosystem functions and stability by coupling carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles. Synthetic microbial ecology aims to understand microbial interaction mechanisms and environmental applications. In view of the critical issues in coastal wetlands, this paper focuses on the theoretical studies of synthetic microbial ecology and explores the applications of microbiome engineering in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks, providing scientific and technological support for mitigating global climate change.
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YANG Xinlei, YU Xiaoli, QIAN Lu, ZHAO Zhenrui, YAN Qingyun, HUANG Xiaohong, HE Zhili. synthetic microbial ecology and microbiome engineering in coastal wetlands. [J]. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2024, 64(12): 4473-4479